The Magazine
A car accident prevented Rochel from becoming pregnant. When she finally became a mother, one of her twins died in infancy. Hear how she grew stronger and closer to G-d through the experience.
I know it gives them strength. I certainly know it gives me strength. But what exactly is the strength that we tap into by saying, “G‑d willing, you can; I can?”
After all the hard work of labor and recovery, having a brit only eight days later can be overwhelming.

Dear Reader,

You’ve taken a wrong turn. You’ve made a decision that you now recognize is going to cost you dearly. Is there any way to get back on track? Can you make up for the lost time and momentum? Is the path of return too tedious and too impossibly difficult?

Judaism has an empowering and uplifting message, learned from the fascinating holiday of Pesach Sheni, “the Second Passover.”

A Hebrew name is the revelation of a person’s soul and inner self. The meaning behind it will profoundly reflect and shape your child. Parents even receive a flash of prophecy when naming their child.
— 9 Tips and Insights for the New Mother at a Brit
Handy Household Hacks
Polish Your Wood Furniture

Want to polish your wood furniture? Use olive oil and lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio, and your furniture will shine.


It is wise to apply the oil of refinement to the mechanism of friendship.

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